Collaboration and Conflict with AI Chatbots in Higher Education

lead by Stockholm University


AI Chatbots like ChatGPT based upon large language models have recently fueled a heated debate in primarily higher education. Two main positions can be distinguished. On the one hand, commentators assert that education has no other alternative than to accept these models. They will be used by the students, nevertheless. These commentators emphasize instead the importance of redesigning student examinations and identifying the educational gains of having access to AI chatbots in their work.

On the other hand, commentators are worried about how these large language models operate on human (natural) language. This applies in particular when looking at the origins and type of data extracted to generate answers. This position emphasizes the importance of considering AI chatbots’ validity, accuracy, and soundness in general and with regard to higher education in particular.

There is of course an interplay between these argumentative positions. Many questions arise regarding the ethicality, morality, and legality of developing, deploying, and using AI chatbots in learning environments. Considering these ongoing discussions about Chat GPT in educational practices, this panel will debate the advantages, risks, and harms of AI Chatbots in education. A particular focus will be placed on understanding collaboration and conflict with AI in education.

Moderator: Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg, Professor Stockholm University

Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Professor Stockholm University
Tobias Oechtering, Professor KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Mauro Zamboni, Professor Stockholm University

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